March 27, 2002
Ned: Hello, Jax.
Jax: Single malt?
Ned: We toasting a victory or drowning your sorrows?
Jax: No, this is strictly for medicinal purposes. It's for my injury.
Ned: No visible cuts or bruises. What injury are we talking about here?
Jax: It's the one I'm going to have after you knock some sense into me.
Ned: Don't tell me. Skye? Hallelujah, you've finally come to your senses.
Jax: No. Forget the light, I just need you to punch me one good one. Ok? I've got it coming.
Ned: Well, it sounds a bit extreme, but I'd be happy to oblige.
Jax: Well, I need extreme, Ned, because, because I am done, ok? I, I'm, I don't think ever in my entire life have I ever been in anything that is so, so...
Ned: Insane? Infuriating? Stupid? Self-destructing?
Jax: Ok, you're not helping at all.
Ned: Stop me if you hear anything that you haven't thought of yourself.
Jax: You know, there's no reason for you to be so smug because it's not like I asked for this.
Ned: You must have. You're not naive.
Jax: You're right, I'm not. I knew exactly what I was walking into with Skye. It has nothing to do with brains, or maybe it does. She's smart, Ned.
Ned: Oh, yes. And devious.
Jax: And she's beautiful.
Ned: Mm-hmm.
Jax: It makes for a pretty wicked combination. You know, I used to look at her and I'd think to myself, "Wow, this woman, you know? She's got guts, she's fearless, she stretches the truth until it's unrecognizable, but she does it so well and she looks so good doing it."
Ned: Mm-hmm, and then you realized that she's nothing but schemes and lies.
Jax: Yeah.
Ned: Underneath that slick, ruthless facade is nothing but a slick, ruthless person. That's all there is. She's a shell, an empty box wrapped up real pretty.
Jax: Now, Ned, Ned, I wouldn't exactly go that far. Ahhh!
Ned: Now, don't make me hit you again!
Skye: Ooh, this is so stupid. It's dark, the water's freezing. What choice did I have? It was this or face Sonny's thugs. At least this way I have a fighting chance. Ugh!
How could I let this happen? Oh! Ooh! What was I thinking? It's all my fault? I don't know where AJ took Courtney, I tried to stop it. You know, maybe if I just, if I can just talk to Sonny's mercenaries out there, they'd believe me. Ooh, God, what am I thinking? Oh, it's freezing. I'm obviously getting lightheaded. I can't feel my legs. How could I do this?!
[Wood creaks]
Oh, God. Oh, God, what was that?
I have to get out of here. Sonny's people are probably all over the grounds by now. Oh, the person who locked me in this boat shed and left that note was trying to scare me. Oh, and it worked. Oh! I can't hold on any longer. Swim, damn it! Swim while you can still move your legs.
Oh, right! Oh! I can't even swim the length of a hot tub. Last time I tried that, that old lady had to save me. It was so pathetic. I can, I can do this. I can swim across the lake. I'm going to get to the other side and I'm going to find Jax, ok. Oh, God! Stop thinking about him. He doesn't want anything to do with me. Oh. Oh! Oh! Oh! God! It's better than thinking about what's swimming around in this water. Oh! Oh, jax! Oh, God! Jax!
[Skye shivers]
Ooh, God. I can't, I can't feel my legs. I'm going into hypothermia, I can't, I can't. No, this is insane! I can't hold on much longer, I can't. I have to go for it. I have to swim for it. Ooh, I can't! I'll drown! Oh, God, why didn't I pay attention in that stupid swimming class? It was because of that lifeguard. Ooh, what was his name? Mike? Matt? Mitch? Ooh, I don't know. I was flirting instead of learning and...
Snap out of it. Focus. Another hour and you could be buried on a highway off-ramp. Probably be warmer than here, though. It's now or never. Take a deep breath. Damn it swim, or die trying!
Jax: Well, you know, all that time at the gym must be paying off, Ned, because that was quite a punch.
Ned: Well, it's been building up for weeks. I appreciate the opportunity, though.
Jax: Well, you're welcome. I wish you would've hit me in the head because you might've put it back on straight.
Ned: Salud.
Jax: Yeah. Cheers. You know, I really thought that I could bring out the part in Skye that was real. I thought I could make a difference.
Ned: Nothing makes any difference to Skye except Skye. She and AJ are two of a kind.
Jax: No, no, although, Skye seems to think so and AJ plays on that, but they're not two of a kind.
Ned: Skye is up to her neck in this scheme to get back at Sonny. I mean, what kind of human being goes along with a plan to use a 20-year-old girl? I mean, Courtney is the one you should be rescuing, not Skye.
Jax: No, no. You know what, Ned? You'd be surprised to find out that Skye actually tried to stop AJ from doing this.
Ned: Really? Is that what she told you? And how did she try to stop him?
Jax: Well, she, she...
Ned: What?
Jax: She locked him in a closet, ok, to try to stop AJ from coming to Carly's club opening.
Ned: Hmm. Locked... Ok, which proves two things. First of all, she knew exactly what AJ was planning to do, and two, she obviously didn't try hard enough to stop him. That's if it's true in the first place.
Jax: Hey, it's the truth, ok?
Ned: You know what? You're right. I should've hit you in the head. In fact, I should've taken a two-by-four and cracked you right...
[Alexis enters and Jax leaves]
Skye: Don't know where to go or where is safe. If I can just wait here, I...
Jax: Skye?!