January 8, 2002
Skye: Guard? Guard?! Hello?!
Helena: Surely you must realize that you are being completely ignored.
Skye: Isn't it just my luck to be stuck at the Seventh Circle of Hell with a psychopath?
![010802helenaandskye02.jpg](https://saxy14.tripod.com//sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/010802helenaandskye02.jpg) Helena: The Seventh Circle was reserved for screaming harpies, if memory serves. You should be right at home here.
Skye: Tell me something, does that pass for wit around here? I'm sure you're just the life of the party in Cellblock B, and that orange so brings out your color.
Helena: Well, thank you. I should wear it more often. I assure you that my accommodations here are temporary, while your problems appear to be more permanent. I must say, you do give new meaning to the term "self-absorbed," and, consequently, I know more about you than anyone should. You know the definition for insanity, doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different outcome? That should apply to one of us, don't you think?
[Jax enters]
Helena: Well, I knew you wouldn't forget me.
Jax: You know, I have seen some incredible things in my lifetime, but the sight of you two is absolutely priceless.
![010802helenaandskye04.jpg](https://saxy14.tripod.com//sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/010802helenaandskye04.jpg) Helena: Well, you certainly do know how to make an entrance.
Jax: Well, like most everything, Helena, it's all about the timing.
Helena: Oh, and your timing is perfect as always, Jax. And my confinement was becoming dreadfully, dreadfully tedious, especially with the arrival of my newest best friend.
Jax: Well, it shouldn't be a problem for too much longer.
Helena: Well, thanks to you. And in that spirit, I suggest that you and I negotiate a truce, perhaps over a certain rare bottle of Chateau Lafitte Rothschild that I have been saving for just such an occasion? One good turn deserves another.
Jax: You're jumping to conclusions, Mrs. Cassadine. I'm here to help Skye. Our association is finished, Mrs. Cassadine. And to tell you the truth, I never really cared that much for you, given what you've done to the people I consider friends.
Helena: You'll miss me before you know it, Jax. Especially if this is the best life has to offer you. Oh oh, you really are delicious.
[The guard takes her away]
Skye: Are you really here to bail me out?
Jax: No. I'm just here to make sure that Edward doesn't press charges against you.
Skye: Well, I appreciate the thought, but you have a better chance of getting Helena Cassadine out of prison. Edward's never gonna give up now.
Jax: Never say never.
Skye: What do you have on Grandfather? I mean, it must be something huge to make him reconsider sending me to jail.
Jax: It's between Edward and me, I gave him my word.
Skye: All right, then answer me this. Why did you use what you had to help me?
Jax: Well, I made a small fortune on the ELQ deal and Edward, instead of accepting the loss as part of the cost of doing business, was taking it out on you. I mean, I couldn't very well stand by and let the old goat get away with it, could I?
Skye: You really are some kind of white knight, aren't you?
Jax: White knights are akin to saints, you should realize I'm neither.
Skye: I tend to disagree. My own grandfather has me thrown in jail and you come along and get me out, and you stand up to Sonny for me, who gets away with practically everything.
Jax: You wanna thank me, Skye? Forget about Sonny and how your gonna pay him back. Just forget Sonny completely. You got what you wanted. Sonny lost his influence at ELQ, it's time to move on.
Skye: It's not that simple.
Jax: Sure it is. Any more time spent on Corinthos is wasted, okay. You leave him alone, he's likely to do the same to you.
Skye: Sonny doesn't even care that he lost.
Jax: You know, Skye, if he has to care then you made this personal and this was supposed to be business. Don't go snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Skye: Maybe you're right.
Jax: Glad you noticed.
Skye: Thank you for what you did for me in there. I owe you.
Jax: No. You're welcome, but you don't owe me, okay. But, you know, if you insist on paying me back, I'm sure we can think of something.
[Skye nods then turns to leave]
Jax: Where you off to?
Skye: I haven't decided yet.