February 1, 2002
Jax: I'm busy, Jerry. It's none of your damn business. Yes, you know what, as a matter of fact, it does involve a woman, but not the way you think. Why should I prove anything to you?
Edward: I heard everything, Skye, how you're manipulating Jax to gain his sympathy.
Skye: Grandfather, all of that pain medication you're on has caused your nasty little psyche to dream up something you obviously wanted to hear. I'm not after Jax. He's my friend, and a very good one and in the wake of my family's cold shoulder, I treasure that.
Edward: "Jax is on my side, and I'm going to make sure that he stays there, no matter how many lies I have to tell or how many intruders I have to invent." Huh? Gotcha. So if you wonder who's dreaming, it's you, my dear, thinking you still have the upper hand.
Jax: I'm sorry, I just can't make it. No, I agree, I agree, it sounds like a great climb, but I'm busy. And you know what, Jerry? You should be, too. Amnesty, Jerry. I mean, shouldn't you be negotiating some kind of deal? Ok, fine, you do whatever you want. You spend the rest of your life being a fugitive. Just don't expect me to drop everything and come to Nepal and play with you.
Edward: So, if you want to keep playing footsies with Jax, you go right ahead, he'll see through you eventually. But as your loving grandfather, I plan to do my part to keep your charade going as long as possible by keeping your confession to myself.
Skye: What do you want?
Edward: I want you to make me CEO of the company you stole from me.
Skye: What? You, you came back from the grave to blackmail me?
Edward: But for my sweet wife, Lila, and my wayward family aside, your confession has infused me with a certain lust for life.
Skye: And to think that I felt sorry for you.
Edward: So, do we have a deal?
Skye: No way.
Edward: Did I see Jax out there?
Skye: You know what, Grandfather? You go, you go right on ahead and you tell him the truth. You're not exactly known for your honesty, now, are you?
Edward: No, uh-uh. No, but you see, the seed will be planted. From now on, every trick that you try, Jax can examine more closely until he has his proof. Hmm? And then your dreams of glory will crumble around your feet and Jax will take ELQ to boot, and you will be left with nothing. Come on, you prove your point. Your revenge was complete when you took my company. Why busy yourself running it when you could be running with Jax, huh?
Skye: Because it humiliates you.
Edward: You know, there are some moments when I am so proud of you. You and I could have accomplished so much together on the same side. Oh, well. Jax!
Skye: You, you do that, and I swear you will regret it!
Edward: Jax! Get Mr. Jacks in here.
Pat the Nurse: Mr. Quartermaine, please stay calm.
Edward: No, get him in here. Jax!
Jax: What's wrong? What do you want with me?
Edward: Oh, don't...
Jax: Would somebody mind telling me what's going on?
Edward: In due time. I have an announcement to make that won't have its full impact unless Alan and Monica are both here.
Skye: You know, we really should let Grandfather rest. He's still not quite himself.
Jax: Did you and Edward have another disagreement? I mean, does this announcement have something to do with you?
Skye: No, no.
Alan: What's wrong?
Skye: It's nothing. He's fine.
Alan: You said you wouldn't do anything to upset him.
Edward: No, no, no, no, no. Skye and I had a lovely visit. You know, it's just amazing the things she's been up to, you wouldn't believe it.
Alan: Try me.
Edward: Oh, I wish Monica could be here.
Jax: Get to the point, Edward.
Edward: To prove what kind of person Skye really is, she has graciously decided to appoint me the CEO of the new ELQ. Haven't you, my dear? Obviously, we've misjudged your daughter, Alan.
Alan: Have we?
Edward: I realize how reluctant you are, dear, to have this divulged just now. But since the cat is out of the bag, you can just shed your self-consciousness and speak right from your heart.
Jax: Is this true?
Skye: Yes.
Edward: And it's a gesture full of compassion and penitence and good business sense that the rest of this family would do well to emulate, hmm?
Alan: Father, you are still recovering from serious surgery. The last thing you should be thinking about is business. Come on, everybody, let's go. Father, I don't want you taking on too much too soon.
Edward: Don't worry, son. This is the best I've felt in weeks.
Alan: Well, good. I'm glad to hear that. I'll check on you later. Come on, Skye, let's go.
Alan: Well, I can't believe you did this. You've given your grandfather a reason to recover. It is the most wonderful gesture on your part, gives me hope for the rest of us.
[Pager beeps]
Alan: I'll speak to you later, Jax.
Jax: So, what exactly are you doing?
Skye: Being a better person.
Jax: You're serious?
Skye: Grandfather asked to be CEO and, well, I'm certainly not going to kick the man when he's down. And, hey, it's going to be weeks before he's up and around and maybe by then, ok, we'll find someplace for him, but CEO? I'm not crazy, I mean, if Grandfather's recovery is going to benefit from him thinking he's running things, well, that's fine by me. But in the meantime, nobody else has to know, do they?
Pat the Nurse: I'm sorry to interrupt. Are you Skye Chandler-Quartermaine?
Skye: Yes.
Pat the Nurse: This was left for you at the nurses' station.
Skye: Oh, thank you.
Jax: Sit right here, I'll be right back, ok? Excuse me?
Pat the Nurse: Yes?
Jax: The envelope that was left for Ms. Chandler- Quartermaine, did you happen to see who left it?
Patthe Nurse: No, it was just on the counter.
Jax: You absolutely positive?
Pat the Nurse: Positive.
Jax: What about any other floor staff who might have seen someone?
Pat the Nurse: I can ask around.
Jax: Thanks.
Pat the Nurse: Ok.
Jax: She didn't see anyone. You know, I'd take it to the police, but we both know Sonny would have made sure there are no prints on it.
Skye: You think Sonny did this?
Jax: Who else could it be? The intruder in your room, the mutilated card on your pillow, and now this. Sonny's pushed this too far.
Skye: Jax, you know, don't do anything.
Jax: Skye, this is what we spent half the night discussing. Sonny gets his way by implying a threat. Now, he's too smart to leave any evidence, but he gets his point across and people cower. Now, he's partly going after you because you're associated with me. He's got you scared, I can see that.
Skye: Yeah, but, you know, rushing into something, that isn't smart.
AJ: What's the matter?
Jax: Can you stay with your sister?
A.J.: Sure.
Skye: Jax...
Jax: Don't worry, I'll call you.