[Jax and Skye are having dinner together]
Jax: There's that girl again, the one that showed up New Year's Eve and blew your scam with Edward.
Skye: That's not just any girl, that's Sonny's sister.
Jax: You know, Sonny's sister doesn't seem to be enjoying herself very much. Not that I can blame her, this can't be easy.
Skye: I'm sure she'll be fine.
Jax: Yeah, well, she seemed nice enough when I met her on New Year's, pretty, too.
Skye: Yeah, well, she's got a big mouth. Look, let's just ignore them, ok? I want to thank you for having me make amends with my grandfather. It was really the advice that I needed.
Jax: I'm glad I could help.
Skye: So do you think you could help me find a place to live considering that my loving family has now kicked me out?
Jax: Why don't you just move back into the room upstairs?
Skye: You wouldn't mind having me for a neighbor again?
[After dinner]
Skye: Well, I've decided to take your advice about getting a room here at the hotel.
Jax: Oh.
Skye: Is Sonny's little sister getting in trouble again?
Jax: Well, she seems to have a lot on her plate.
[Jax steps away and Skye attacks Courtney, blaming Edward's heart attack on her. Alexis intervenes and later Jax comes back, he overheard everything.]
Jax: Alexis, I'll take care of Ms. Chandler-Quartermaine.
Alexis: Thank you, Jax.
Skye: I, I don't know what came over me.
Jax: Well, I know exactly what came over you, because I heard every word.
Skye: It must have been that whole scene with my grandfather, you know? And then his heart attack and the operation and not knowing whether he was going to live or not. And it, well, it all really got to me, and I just, I lashed out. I'm sorry. I, I regret it.
Jax: You know, there's something very unattractive about picking on someone who can't defend themselves.
Skye: I know.
Jax: So why'd you dump on Courtney?
Skye: I was in pain. I wasn't myself.
Jax: No, on the contrary, you were behaving exactly like yourself.
Skye: That is unfair.
Jax: You know, your family blames you for Edward's heart attack, which was absurd, but they did it anyway. So you blame that girl because you want to feel better. So you did exactly what you always do. You make someone else feel worse. Hmm? Did it work? Do you feel better?
Skye: Look, Jax, we could both stand here and have me lie to you, but we both know what I am and what I've been.
Jax: That doesn't mean you can't change, or at least try.
Skye: I am trying. But it's not easy being like you, you know. You got to cut me some slack here.
Jax: Hey, I don't see why.
Skye: Oh, come on, Jax. Don't do this.
Jax: We're business partners and right now, I'm looking at a partner who I may have misjudged.
Skye: Well, no, Jax, wait.
Jax: You know, I think I'm just going to turn in.