October 31, 2001
Jax: Ok, we'll be out of here in just a second.
Skye: And miss your big chance to get back at the Quartermaines?
Jax: You know, if you'd just kept your damn hands off these buttons, then we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place.
Skye: Try the red one.
Jax: If the emergency button was working, then why would I be trying to fix it, hmm?
Skye: I could scream.
Jax: That is a bad idea.
Skye: Oh, fine! Well...
Jax: Oh, this is great.
Skye: What are you telling me, there's no signal in here? We could be stuck in this elevator for weeks!
Jax: Yeah, weeks. That makes a lot of sense. All I've got to do is override the system. Just take off these two wires here, put them together, bingo! There, that should work, yeah. Go!
Skye: Huh? Nice move, what's your next brilliant trick? Do you have ane idea what you're doing?
Jax: A woman I care about is in serious trouble, ok?
Skye: What am I, chopped liver?
Jax: She needs my help immediately.
Skye: But so do I.
Jax: Would you leave me alone about the Quartermaines?
Skye: Hey, I am going to make Sonny pay.
Jax: That's great, fantastic, and it's not my problem.
Skye: Hey, might take your mind off your problems.
Jax: There has got to be a way out of here.
Skye: Did I mention that there's a way that I could get Edward to sign over his shares and that she just showed up in town? Hmm?
Jax: I don't do blackmail.
Skye: As a matter of fact, I have her stashed right here at this very hotel. Mm-hmm. Edward Quartermaine's worst nightmare, she just showed up at the Quartermaines' straight from Atlantic City.
Jax: Oh, I met her at the airport.
Skye: You what?
Jax: Yeah, she was asking for directions to the Quartermaine house.
Skye: When?
Jax: Big hair, stiletto heels...yeah, that's her.
Skye: Well, hey, was she trying to make a deal with you?!
Jax: Why would I tell you that?
Skye: You, I'm telling you, if she is, I swear I am just going to...
Jax: Does she realize that you're using her against Edward?
Skye: Who knows? I don't know, all I know, all I want are Edward's shares and with you, we can run ELQ together.
Jax: Whatever you may have heard about me, how ruthless I am, it's all true. But what you're suggesting, that is not how I do business.
Skye: Oh, come on, Jax. Grandpa's been a bad boy. Why shouldn't he pay? Come on, I didn't set Edward up, all right? But why shouldn't I be able to use his mistake against him?
Jax: You know, I could climb out through this hatch.
Skye: I stumbled on a very nice, little secret while I was out of town getting away from Sonny Corinthos.
Jax: Hey, let me borrow that.
Skye: Well...
Jax: Watch out.
Skye: I always liked Atlantic City...
Jax: Yeah, what better place to hide out from a mobster? Thanks.
Skye: Yeah, well, I...I assumed it would be safe because it was so obvious.
Jax: You know, you should just consider yourself lucky that Sonny doesn't have the hots for you.
Skye: Oh, I do. Who do you think I happened to see one night in the hall? Edward. Oh, and he'd had a few, believe me. He was with our new friend with the big hair.
Jax: Oh.
Skye: And she seemed very concerned about him, and they just slipped off into a room together.
Jax: This could work.
Skye: So I stayed up all night long to see how long she stayed in that room, and then, just at the crack of dawn, I got lucky. Don't you want to see Edward Quartermaine sweat?
Jax: No, I want to get out of this elevator so I can protect a woman I care about. And you know what, you've done nothing to help!
Skye: Hey, I'm holding the panel, aren't I?
Jax: I'm going to climb out and get this thing going.
Skye: Isn't that kind of dangerous?
Jax: Just get out of the way, ok? Just stay out of the way.
Skye: Oh!
Jax: What are you, what are you doing?
Skye: Do you want my help or not? I...
Jax: Would you just let go, ok? Just let go and back up.
Skye: Ok.
Jax: Ok? Thank you.
Skye: See what I get for trying?!
Jax: Ok. What...
[wires spark and Jax is shocked]
Skye: Jax!!
Skye: Jax?! Jax, wake up! Come on, hey! Hey, wake up. Hey, hey. Hey! Hey, somebody! Get us out of here, please! Wait. Ok, don't panic. Do not panic! Oh, my god, Jax! Oh, boy. Ok, no, wait, don't panic. What do they do? What do they do on TV? They do CPR, yeah CPR, ok. You can do that. Chest compressions. Here we go. Oh. Well, first things first.
Skye: Oh.