Jax: You know, that was quite a tantrum that you threw.
Skye: It was quite a betrayal that I felt.
Jax: No, it's just a little setback, that's all.
Skye: So you say.
Jax: Look, Skye, you're never going to get anywhere in business if you insist on making everything personal.
Skye: What if it is personal? I mean, not just for me but for the other side, too?
Jax: Well, then your opponent's made a serious mistake. You take advantage of that.
Skye: You make it sound so simple.
Jax: It is. It's ebb and flow, back and forth. Edward may have won this round. But as quiet as it's kept, everyone knows that the round that matters is the one that wins the game. All the other moves are merely shore excursions.
Skye: "Shore excursions"?
Jax: That's right. They're entertaining little side trips.
![61914.jpg](https://saxy14.tripod.com//sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/61914.jpg) Skye: Oh, "trips." "Race." "Game." Do you know how crazy that makes me? I mean, you sit there ruminating over it like it could be a deck of cards or something, and this stuff is life and death to me.
Jax: Which is exactly how you get in your own way. You don't need acceptance from your family to validate your worth, which is a good thing because you're never going to get it. However, you can get the next best thing. You can get even. You can take from Edward what he really values if you stop acting like a needy little girl and look at ELQ for what it is, business.
Skye: Oh. Yeah, right. Why didn't I think of that before? Business, personal -- separate. Got it.
Jax: Look, all I'm saying is look at the big picture. I mean, in the grand scheme of things, Edward snaking out your office from under you is a blip on the radar. You'll have that company all to yourself, but the way you're going to get it is by letting it go now.
Skye: What if my grandfather's smarter than you think?
Jax: I don't underestimate Edward. He's a pretty crafty old bastard. But he's also been complacent for the last few years. I'll get you what you want, Skye, but you do have to trust me. Which is where I came in.
![61918.jpg](https://saxy14.tripod.com//sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/61918.jpg) Skye: I do. I trust you.
Petra: Mr. Quartermaine, your granddaughter is here. She claims to have information that will affect the future of ELQ.
Edward: Well, then, by all means, send her in.
Petra: Oh, but, sir, you specifically warned me not to trust her. You said I should never let her inside this room.
Edward: My dear, I told you never to let Skye in here alone. But, you see, I'm here now. And if my granddaughter has some valuable information, I'd like to hear what she has to say, so you can let her in. Thank you, Petra.
[Skye enters]
Edward: Well, Skye, my, how beautiful you look. What brings you here? Did we forget some personal item when we packed up your things?
Skye: Gloating is not only unattractive, Edward, but it's a waste of your time and mine, so I will get to the point. Now, listen very carefully because I will only make this offer once. You either cut me back into the business at ELQ or I will make it my life's work to destroy this company. Now, you've seen me in action. You know that I can do it.
Edward: Oh, I can only assume that Jax has promised you ELQ on a silver platter. I'm very touched, Skye. I had no idea that under this confident, self-assured exterior there lives a very naive little girl.
Skye: Now, you listen to me very carefully. If I walk out that door without regaining my position as CEO, ELQ won't even survive the next fiscal year.
Edward: And what if you get what you want, Skye? You might realize that your position is not nearly as stable as you imagine once Jax kisses you good-bye and rides off into the sunset with ELQ.
Skye: Jax doesn't give a damn about ELQ. He gave his proxy vote to Lila.
Edward: Because he is good, Skye. He's the very best. If I had my druthers, I would like to have had him on my side. But over the years, I've come to know his MO and I've also come to recognize his classic "Jax setup". And you, my dear, are it. Oh, Jax made a wonderful grandstand play for your trust, and, bingo, it worked.
Skye: Jax has proven himself to me more than once. It's going to take more than you and your innuendo to shake my faith in him.
Edward: My innuendo? Oh, forgive me. Oh, please, I've just been too subtle. You want some details? Airtram Industries, the Klaxton Group, World Luxury Resorts. Those are only three of the companies that Jax has successfully raided. And you contact any one of the wives of these former CEO's, and you'll find out how Jax was able to carry off his coups. You see, what he does, he breaks down the company from the inside out. He zeros in on, on a vulnerable female, and he romances her until he gets all the information that he wants. And then he dismantles the company and he dumps her. All, oh, very charmingly, of course. No one can ever say that Jax is not a gentleman. Now, I can't speak for those women that he used as to whether or not the pleasure of his company was worth the price.
Skye: That's a disgusting lie.
Edward: Oh, why would I lie about something that is so easily proven? Jax's acquisitions are public knowledge, and so are the divorces that he has left in his wake. Skye, you, Jax is a businessman first, and you are just the means to his end. And your trust is the tool that he needs to bring down ELQ.
Skye: Well, we seem to have gotten off the subject. How convenient for you.
Edward: You want a place in ELQ? You might even deserve one. But you sure as hell won't get one from me, lady, until you can prove to me that you are no longer vulnerable to Jasper Jax.
Skye: Oh. This, this is a trap, and I am not falling in. Now, you are going to remember and regret this moment the rest of your life.
[Skye storms out, Petra enters]
Petra: This is the most current information available on Mr. Jax's recent investments.
Edward: Well, thank you, my dear.
Petra: If I may be so bold, why the sudden interest in Jax's activities?
Edward: Because, my dear, I intend to squash him like a bug. And Skye's going to help me.
[Edward laughs]
[Music plays]
Jax: You look beautiful.
Skye: Thank you.
Jax: I expected you sooner. What was the delay?
[Skye smiles and walks him to the bar]
Skye: Admit it. I was right when I convinced you not to close Carly's club when you thought that she was dead.
Jax: Well, the jury's still out on that one. It has its advantages, being in business with Carly, but it also has its drawbacks.
Skye: Oh? Trouble in paradise?
Jax: I was thinking about repositioning myself. Yeah, what about you? You never told me why you were held up this afternoon.
Skye: Oh, you know, I, I got a call from my mother, and she was giving me advice that I didn't want to hear, as usual, and, well, I don't want to get into it. What I really want to do right now is dance with you. Come on.
Jax: All right.